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FAQ NetMetering

FAQ NetMetering

What is net-metering?

Net-metering is the simplest way of connecting a residential, commercial or industrial production unit.Net-metering allows the consumer to cover a significant part of his own consumption and if there is excess energy, it is not lost but credited to the consumer for a certain period of time.

What do I gain by investing in net-metering?

Netmetering provides a natural and sure measure of compensation for the constant increases in electricity, covering much of the energy needs of your home or business. In addition, the self-generator is relieved of a multitude of additional charges, which are passed on to the consumer through the electricity bill.

What other benefits result?

Netmetering offers a multitude of economic, environmental and technological advantages, the most important of which are:

  • Low installation and maintenance costs.
  • Helping to relieve congestion on the network, particularly during peak hours in the summer months.
  • Consumption is close to production, reducing losses in the cables.
  • There is no monetary transaction with the State, since the energy produced is not sold for a monetary consideration. There is therefore no revenue that can be taxed, nor any sale price that can later be reduced.
  • Increase in the energy class of the property due to energy production from APE.
  • Netmetering is a simple and economically viable mechanism that encourages the use of Renewable Energy Sources, increases jobs and contributes to local, national and international development.

Where can I install a self-production system?

Netmetering is aimed at both residential and commercial and industrial consumers. Thus it can be installed on roofs and ceilings of houses and businesses, but also in ancillary spaces. In addition, Law 4203/2013 is not limited to installations on buildings but generally concerns "self-producer installations", i.e. the system can be installed on the ground, but also utility spaces such as pergolas, garages, gardens and even adjacent undeveloped land can be used.

Is this technology reliable?

In the last decade there has been spectacular progress in the development of renewable energy and especially photovoltaic systems. As a result, the technology is now mature enough to allow efficient operation of energy offsetting systems. However, for a long-term profitable investment outcome in renewable energy, the long experience of project implementers in the effective management and implementation of energy projects and investments is crucial.

What size should the system I install be?

According to the MoA a domestic autoproducer installation can be up to 20 KW or if it is over 20 KW the power can be up to 50% of the agreed power consumption of the supply.

For entities performing public utility work under the conditions defined by the Law, the SO allows the entire agreed consumption capacity of the supply to be utilised.

However, each installation must be sized differently and based on a thorough study according to the energy needs and economic possibilities of the producer.

What is the procedure for joining netmetering?

For the connection of a photovoltaic system, an application is initially submitted to the DEDDIE of the competent region.

After the submission of the application and the submission of the necessary documents, the Network Operator examines the request and within one (1) month makes a Connection Offer to the interested party, which includes the description and the cost of the connection works, which is valid for three (3) months from the date of its issuance.

After the acceptance of the Connection Offer, the Connection Contract is signed between the autoproducer and the Network Operator and the relevant costs are paid. The construction of the connection works shall be completed by the DEDDIE within one (1) month from the signing of the Connection Contract, provided that no new Network works are required.

After the signing of the Connection Agreement, an application for the conclusion of a Settlement Agreement shall be submitted. The signing of the Netting Agreement shall be completed within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the request. Upon completion of the work for the installation of the photovoltaic system, the activation of the connection of the station is carried out upon request to the DEDDIE.