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Domestic Roofs

THARROS ENERGY has implemented more than 100 projects (photovoltaic) throughout Greece.It is currently active in the installation of self-generation units through the Net Metering program as well as in the market of biomass and biogas plants.

The program "Photovoltaic on Roofs" enables every citizen to exploit 'green energy' by placing photovoltaics on the roof to produce their own electricity from the sun by selling to PPC.

With this program, interested parties may place photovoltaic systems up to 10 kw on residential buildings and very small businesses, giving them financial incentives in the form of aid to the produced solar kWh. Thus they will make amortization of the photovoltaic system installed and have a reasonable tax-free profit on services (energy and environmental) providing the network.

All output from the solar electricity is fed into the grid and you get paid for this for 25 years. You continue to buy power from the PPC and can pay the price you pay now. In practice this means that PPC will install a new meter to record the energy generated.

To join the program, you need to own the space on which the solar system will be installed.

Indicatively listed are some of the implemented photovoltaic installations of the company.